Source: Epified TV Upon watching this last section of the Epified Mahabharata series, I was drawn to the battle between Shiva and Arjuna. Although I think this is a really tense fight that is really cool, I think it could be made to be even more awesome. Shiva Reveals Himself to Arjuna (Source: wikimedia ) I think Shiva could get more angry, releasing godly attacks such that Arjuna is struck with awe. I want to make Arjuna beg at the feet of Shiva and promise to prove himself worthy. It would be cool to have Arjuna go and have to do various tasks to atone for his actions against the mighty Shiva. It wouldn't be a huge difference from the original story but I think it would be a lot more intense and more enjoyable to read. The tension on whether or not Shiva would destroy Arjuna for attacking him so foolishly would have the reader on the edge of their seat.
Source: Epified TV After watching this set of Epified videos, I was inspired by the slaying of Jarasandha. I think this story could be told in a much more interesting way, specifically when it comes to the fight between Bhima and Jarasandha. I think the idea of Bhima tearing his enemy in half only for him to reform is cool, but the idea of Krishna tearing a blade of glass in two as a hint for Bhima is kind of stupid. Instead, I would write it so that Bhima fights Jarasandha on his own, with Krishna and Arjuna being otherwise occupied by some other force. Bhima would have to figure out the secret to defeating Jarasandha on his own. The Leaf Torn in Two (Source: , edited by me) Perhaps he would even see a leaf split in two by the force of their battle, which would rage throughout the palace and into the gardens. This would serve as the hint he needs to separate the halves of Jarasandha to prevent him from reforming. I just think that would make...