The King Who Saw the Truth
Source: Eastern Stories and Legends
by Marie L. Shedlock
I think this would be a fun little tale to tell a story based off of it. I think the story ends too quickly, so I would expand on the ending quite a bit, maybe make an additional tale of the King's life after receiving the Godly Sight. I think this sight could be cool if it was made into more than just seeing things truthfully and fully, and given additional powers.
The God Sight (Source:
I want to make the King use his power for good, slowly passing more tests planned by Sakka in order to ascend fully to godhood. This could be set up as a series of trials that benefit the world in addition to simply testing the abilities and goodwill of the King.
This could be a fun way to build a story based on an Indian Epic but heavily expanding it and making it my own.
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