Source: Eastern Stories and Legends
by Marie L. Shedlock
I liked this story, and I think I could make a pretty good story of my own based on this one. I love dogs a lot, so anything with a dog in it is sure to catch my interest, just as this one did. In the original story, the elephant is simply sad and the King's helpers had to figure out why and told the people of the land that the dog should be released. Low and behold, the dog suddenly returns.
The Doggo Returns Home (Source: wikimedia)
In my story, I'd like to go through the dog's journey to return to his friend the elephant. His must have been a harrowing one, and I would tell his tale justly. A "Homeward Bound" style of story where the dog faces many trials and tribulations to return to his friend, showing he will go to any lengths to be reunited. I think this will be a fun way to put a different light on this old story, and to expand upon it rather than re-writing or adapting it.
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