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Week 13 Story: That Brat Krishna

Sometimes I feel like I'm going insane. 

Let me explain, I am a simple villager, I'm just a cowherd, and I live in a relatively quaint village. The new son of one of the other families here is a bit odd, but no one else seems to acknowledge this at all. Apparently the mother swears that she gave birth to a girl overnight, but found a boy in her arms the next day. Regardless, she has raised him as her own, and he has grown quite strong, quite fast. 

A runaway cart rolled down the street, slamming into this little boy, who is named Krishna. Rather than harming Krishna, the cart simply exploded into tiny pieces. While everyone was relieved that he was okay, no one seemed to be asking the important questions, like how the hell did Krishna escape without ANY injuries? He's a baby for goodness sake!

Oh, and did I mention that he's blue? I don't mean sad or melancholy, he's literally blue. Like his skin is a shade of deep blue. People seemed genuinely surprised when Krishna tamed the great water serpents with his music, showing that he was an Avatar of Vishnu, but I guess I'm the only one who had already figured it out. I don't see how one couldn't just connect the dots between being an Avatar and being born with blue skin.

Krishna is Very Clearly Blue... (Source:

I've recently heard rumors of some of his recent adventures. He ventured to Mathura to kill his uncle, and since then has just stayed there. Apparently, when Mathura was besieged, Krishna just told the king to take the people to a new place away from the current city he ruled. When the king agreed, and went about preparing himself to be king of this new city, Dwarka, Krishna relieved him of his duties. He declared himself to be king, leaving the old one (who is supposedly Krishna's own grandfather) hanging out to dry.... And apparently, Krishna later made it clear that he could have easily defeated all of the invaders by himself. I just don't even know what to say to that.

I just don't get why everyone is letting him get away with these things. He tries to play it cool, then makes a huge mess of things without helping to pick things back up. He's always gotta be such a jerk. Sigh, I thought he was supposed to be the Avatar of Vishnu, not the Avatar of a Dick...

Source: Epified TV (India)

Author's Note: I wanted to tell some of the basic stories that make up Krishna's legend using a random background character that is aware of how strange things really are. No one in the orignal stories seem to acknowledge that Krishna is blue, which seems very strange. I wanted to draw attention to this among other things, like Krishna just refusing to do battle against invaders, telling the king to move and then becoming king of this place they migrated to.

I tried to keep things short and sweet, and I also used a first-person technique that I haven't used before. I wasn't actually planning on writing it this way, but I found when I was describing how I wanted to write my story to someone, this is the way it came out. I decided to experiment with the first-person narrative, and I think it turned out good. It definitely made telling the story in the way I did a lot of feasible and fun.


  1. Hey Cal. Thought I'd stop by and see what your story was; totally forgot you told me about what you were going to do. This really reminded me just how... weird some of the stories of Krishna are. I thought you hit all the important parts; Krishna is in fact the avatar of dick.

  2. Hey Cal! I loved the story this week. You are asking the same questions I am asking. Why did nobody think a blue superhuman baby was weird? Like was it that common back in those days for those things to happen? Also, Krishna is definitely a dick. Like that dude is so cruel. I understand it’s a different culture but man is he rude.

  3. Hello, nice to meet you Callum!
    I just finished up reading your story from the week 13 story post "The Brat Krishna", this was a great read and I thank you fro writing such an incredible story. I agree with you on how Krishna acted and how he lind of sucks a little bit. Also the blue thing was a nice touch.


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